Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Camp Phelps
Brattleboro Vt.Aug. 13th, 1861Tuesday MorningDear Mary:

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I will write a single word this morning to say that we shall probably be at home Thursday. The paymaster and mustering out officer are both here and we are going to work to get out as soon as possible. It is now raining hard and this may retard the work somewhat, but not beyond the day I mentioned. I did not get a line from you last night. I was a little disappointed for I expected to hear from you every day. I would write more but I am so near home and in such a state of expectation that I dont feel much like writing.

Phil Wright (Tully) will probably carry this up to you or leave it in the office, if he goes today as he talks of doing. We have had some of the Bradford folks here all the time since we have been here & we are glad to see them I can assure you.

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Remember me to Hattie and all the friends. I wish you would a line tomorrow. We shall march through all the streets up past our house so that you can see how we look. Upon the whole our boys are cleaner than could be expected. Whatever is done at Bradford will be done the same day we get home. We shall not camp out as we cannot have our tents. We should not care much for it as we are getting about all the "play soldier" we want, here.

Write. Your affectionate husbandRos.

