Roswell Farnham to Laura

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Head Qrs. 12th. Regt. Vt. V. M.Wolf Run Shoals Va.April 12th. 1863Dear Laura:

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We have had three very pleasant days in camp & the ladies have enjoyed themselves finely - Mary, Mrs. Vaughan, & Dr. Nichols' wife of the 13th. Yesterday they all attended Guard Mounting, Picket Guard Mounting, rode down to see the battery practice, & then out to see our Regt. drill. This morning was quite as pleasant as ever. Mrs. Nichols was just getting ready to go down to the 13th. about nine miles below here when the order came for us to prepared to move, - the whole brigade. The ladies of course thought we should have a fight at once. They all cried of course. Arrangements were made to take them to the station & fortunately they found a train just ready to start for Alexandria. They took the cars & I hope are now comfortable at the Scott house in Alex. The Adjt. - Vaughan - went down to see them off. They will probably go into Washington tomorrow.

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They all felt rather blue & I have felt the same ever since, tho' I have enough to do. Where we shall go is now very uncertain. Wherever we do we shall try to do our duty.

It is now late in the evening & the camp is quiet.

I find that there are three letters of yours that I have not answered.

When we get home I shall expect you will come to Brattleboro as a matter of course & you will make up your mind for it.

You may take any of Cy's things that you can make useful. I have not heard another word from Col. Webster. Did you have a notice of Cy's death put in the paper? I suppose Mr. Chamberlin must have half of the garden & if Witt wants to carry on the rest at halves let him do so or let Mr. C. I have looked your letters all thro & I believe I have answered them all.

Write soon & direct as usual. They will be forwarded to me.

Give my love to all. Tell Charlie H that I will write him soon.

If you wish to write Mary direct to Washington D. C.

Yours in hasteRos

