Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Head Quarters 12th. Regt. Vt. V.Bristol Station VaMay 26th. 1863My Dear Wife:

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I was much disappointed in not receiving a letter from you today, I expected one yesterday, but was sure I should get one today. The mail has come & no letter. Your last letter was dated a weed ago Sunday, May 17th. I presume you have been busy & so have not written quite so often. I hope you are not sick.

We had quite a change in the weather Sunday night, & yesterday & today a little fire is very comfortable. Yesterday I rode down to Manassas Junction where three companies are stationed & we had a very pleasant ride. On our return - there were Col. Blunt, Chaplain, Bigelow, Downer, the barber & an orderly, - we stopped at a deserted house & picked a boquet. You would be delighted to se mine now on the table before me. It consists of five different kinds of roses - one yellow rose, double buttercups, snow balls, spider lilly, climbing honey suckle, lychindra, beautiful lilies, locust blossoms, & a great many flowers that I do not know the name

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of - in all more than twenty kinds - all beautiful & fragrant. I wish you had the boquet you would enjoy it so much The house had been apparently deserted for two years & the whole garden was overgrown with grass & weeds.

I wish you & Laura could be out here for a while. We are in a beautiful country & are having very pleasant weather. It is delighted riding about here. The only drawback is the risk of the miserable, murderous guerillas. We have to ride with our eyes open & our pistols handy.

But I suppose you will rejoice to learn that we move back to Union Mills tomorrow & the 16th. takes our place for a while. Our men will have a harder duty there than they do here, but we can drill some & get into better shape than we are here. I shall there get your letters one day earlier than I do here & get the Washn. papers the same day they are published. Now we do not get them till the day after their publication. As for instance today I rec'd yesterday's Chronicle, making the statement that "Vicksburg is ours." I hope it is true. At any rate Grant seems to be doing a good thing in Mississippi.

Col. Blunt has gone to Catlett's on the R. R. Will be back when the train returns.

Three trains have passed here today - large

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ones - loaded with forage for cavalry - I presume Stoneman is to make another move from this direction, tho' I know nothing of it. The rebels are said to be collecting ten thousand cavalry at Culpepper, for what purpose is noot known, tho' of course, it is supposed to be with the intent to make a raid somewhere.

Sunday night they got into a great state of excitement at Alexandria, - expecting the rebels. They tore up Hunting Creek Bridge, dug rifle pits, & moved out several batteries of artillery from Washington to protect the city. It was the report, too, that the 12th. had been in line of battle all day. What all the excitement arose from I dont know, but I understand they expected a raid up thro' Accetinch. We have not had a quieter day & night than Sunday. We were not even called out at night, as usual, by picket firing.

The days are pretty long now we have so little to do - I calculate to ride every day. "Burnie" is much better, but still far from well. I ride him two or three miles almost every day. He feels well & is gaining, but has a cough.

I believe I have now told you all the news. The Adjt. returnded from Washington this morning where he has been since Saturday.

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I have a pass which I think I shall improve after we get to Union Mills. I wish I could meet you there. Do you remember stopping at the Avenue House? I think my visit to Washn. was pleasanter then, than it was when we stopped at Joy's.

Give my love to Laura & Aunt Mary & all who enquire. Remember me to your Grandfather's folks, Uncle Oliver & Azro - & all who enquire.

Has Mr. Strickland rec'd my letter? I have also written to Charlie Harding.

Write often & I will reply to every letter that I receive.

I think of you continually & am getting to be almost as much of a simpleton as I used to be years ago.

Yours in haste & much affection -Ros.

