Justus F. Gale to Friends

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Mrs Abigail Gale
Elmore LamoileCo. Vermont


8th Reg Vt Vols Co AShip IslandMay 4th 1862Dear Friends

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I take this oppo- rtunity to write a line to let you know that we are expecting to leave here to day. we had orders yes- terday to pack and be rea- dy to start in an hours notice. I have packed and am ready. we dont know where we are going but suppose to New Orleans. I am wel as common except a little headache this morning. there has been quite a change around the vicinity of New Orleans within a short time. I dont expect we shal see any

we havent got any pay yet since we left VtI think you are having great baby times up north this year.

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fighting there as the places are all occupied by our troops now. I cant tel any thing how long we shal stop there. I wil send you in this letter a paper that is printed on Ship Island so you wil get the particulars about what is going on here. they have only just started their prin ting establishment. the Elmore boys are all wel except Charley Cooper he has been a little unwel for a day or two but I guess he wil get over it all right write often and direct as before until further orders. we all think here that the war is a short lived thing here. my love to all so good by for now.

I havent seen any thing of the paper you sent me

J. F. Gale
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[News-Letter EXTRA.]

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I wil put in this a may flour that I picked on Ship Island

