Justus F. Gale to Father

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New Orleans La.Feb 18th 1863Dear Father,

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It is with much pleasure that I seat myself to write a few lines in answer to your kind letter of the 27th which came to hand yesterday; I am well and enjoying good health except a little sore on my hand; I had a great bile or carbucle on my hand the first of Jan. and it hasent healed up yet; it has run considerable - but has not pained me much; I havent done any duty with for 4 or 5 weeks - and now I am stoping at the general hospital in New Orleans. Our brigad (under Gen. Weitzel) were ordered of on a long march the 1st of Feb. and all that were not able to do duty were

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sent to the City so they sent me with the rest; I came here the 3d of this month. we have good fare here enough to eat and drink and a good place to sleep; the sore [cuns] some yet but is healing up slowly; I think I shall go back to the regt. in course of a few days.

I was verry glad to hear from you again and to hear that you were enjoying usu al good health; you wrote that you were about to leave your good home - the most I have to say this time is – I wish you a happy new one! and compliments for the inmates of your new home.

I have just bought me a watch and now I will finish my letter, paid 15 dollars - got just such a watch as the one I left Dear Brother Charlie. I have had nearly 20 watches since I enlisted so you see I am getting to be quite a jocky.

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There isent any news of much im- portance about here; Our men are to work about Vicksburg getting ready to give the rebels hail Collumbia. We are having verry warm weather what I am in habit of seeing at this time of year; there has been two hard thunder showers here within a few days. it rained here like torrents and left the City almost flooded with water. I am glad to hear that the stock is doing so well; I should like to be at home and breack the black Jenny and have some sleigh rides this winter.

I dont think of much more to write this time; please write again as soon as you get this and with all the news - how you like living in East Montpelier etc. I will send you a envelope that I took out of a rebels knapsack where we charged on some rifle pitts where

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the rebels were picking of the gunners from our gunboats that were eng- aged with another rebel gunboat on bayou Tash - about 100 miles from this City Toward Texas; a few of our Company drove 80 rebels from their pitts took some prisone rs and killed some and none of us were hurt at all

I must close for this time; please write often and I will endeavor to do the same.

Except this with my best wishes and love. this from your son and friend;

Direct as before.

J. F. Gale

