George W. Quimby to Emeline B. Masta

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Camp near Harrison's LandingJuly 12, 1862My dear sister,

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I have delayed writing you as I suppose probably you were at home and would read the letters I sent Father. Soon after we arrived here in camp after our eventful march in retreat of nearly a week from June 27th.

It would take me a longer time than I can spend now to give the full particulars of our participation in the late events - and too you have read

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of will read better and fuller accounts in the papers. Our Regt. was under fire three times - first the night of June 27th when we were sent out to support the Picket Line with Hancock's Brigade under that Gen. We went about three o'clock PM and were attacked about dark - were under a fierce fire for 2 hours - but being in the edge of a woods we suffered but little - only 5 or 6 wounded in the Regt. none in my Co. but the Rebels as we learned the next day froma Lt. Cole taken prisoner lost one Regt. 200 killed and wounded 60 killed and another

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Regt. 125. 43 killed. The next day we formed the Regt. in Line preparatory to moving off when the Rebels began to shell us - the shells just flying over our heads we then moved in order under the hill under a large oak when the shells fell all around us and a solid shot struck the oak under which I was sitting and completely covered me with bark - no one hurt. A curious thing happened about this time - about 10 rods from us a man was sitting on the ground when a solid shot struck under him and raised him several

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feet from the ground. When he picked himself and walked off unhurt. Probably a hundred shot fell near us. Common shot I mean - minnie balls are of no account - still none were hurt. The next day the rest of the Brigade was engaged but we being sent of the rinelur. A flank movement were not in the fight where so many Vermonters fell. But the fatiguing march of that night to get through the White Oak Swamp and to destroy the bridge before the Rebels could prevent it. It was awful - tired - worn out and thirsty - with no decent water to be had for love or money - I heard men offer money and

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I would have given 25 cents for a drink of good water. Well we got over and laid down to rest about light for two hours. That day one of those events occurred that tries men's pluck. We had - about noon - been given our extra rations and had just laid down to rest with our guns stacked and some tents placed so as to shade us from the sun - I was lying on my rubbercoat and was winding up my watch when the Rebels opened a fire from 40 canon. On us the fire from 20 was directly over our Regt. It would have been destruction to have remained there and so we had to get into the woods the best way we could and when we came to look about

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we found that most all had stood by but some had gone to the rear to come back in disgrace. Old companies - those who went in the Battle of the Crimea say that they never saw the equal - that night we continued to fall back and marched till void of light - having marched 15 miles - since we got here we have been working very hard till within a [      ] and now I hope we will be favored a little.. I expect we may remain here some time. We have full confidence in McClellan yet; but wish that war department rest

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in Purgatory for nor reinforcing him. My health has been very good till lately and now I am only worn out a little. I am on duty yet.

Your affectionate brother.George

