Henry A. Smith to Family

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Anapolis MarylandDec 29 1861Dear Mother Sisters and Brothers

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I am now in Anapolis in Camp we started from Washington Wednesday and rode all day then Camped in the Woods over night slept out of doors then we rode all day the next day Camped in the Woods for night and reached Anapolis the next day about noon the distance was about forty miles but it was slow work for the road was bad and we had to help the teams up the hills and had a good a many things to hinder on we went through a country where they kept Slaves I must tell the Boys about an old Cuffy that ran away he tried to run away with us the Boys got him on to a horse and he was geting off nicely when his Master came along and took him with three Dogs two other nigers and rode himself, and had a rope hitched to poor Cuffys wrist we did not have much chance to look around in Washington though I saw the White house that box of victuals you put up for me seamed to be pretty good come to get into Camp though I did eat it all till we got to New York Direct your letters to Anapolis Maryland first Vermont Cavalry Care of Capt Rundlett tell all the Children to send some word When you write tell all the news how you get along and how much snow there is I dont think of anymore now

so good bye from your sonHenry A Smith
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I saw Hen Mosher in Vt the day before we started there is not any snow about here

