Charles Dillingham to William Wirt Henry

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Monday Morng Nov – 1861Dear William

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I inclose you a letter, which I have no doubt contains much love and news.

Ed writes me you all got home safe, but the particulars he leaves for you to tell.

We are having Brigade drill in the forenoon and Division once in the afternoon under Genl Smith who has recovered his health and resumed his command.

Picket duty is now done for the whole division from one brigade each day changing the brigade. The reserve are allowed fires, outposts changed once in four hours.

The prospect is that we shall be detached from the brigade to go South. the other regiments are so sick they are good for nothing. The five regiments have over a thousand on the Sick list, of which only about Sixty are in the 2d – in the 4th and 5th they bury two a day on the average, though a little thing turned up yesterday which may raise the devil with us, viz a case of small pox. they sent the man off in a hurry and dont know how

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many if any were exposed.

Col Whiting tells me he has recommended to the Governor to promote Lieut Crossman to be 1st Lieut in Co D., saying that Crossman was the best 2 Lieut in the regiment, and had earned the promotion, by hard work. if Gregg had been well he should have promoted him and given me Ballou, but he says he cant recommend any man for promotion who is Sick or unfit for duty, as we need working men and must have them.

I make officers for present use nowdays. That is, on drill. Canning & Bass for Lieutenants, Smith, Strong, Sleeper, Tilden and Jones for Sergeants.

The weather has been “right” cold for two or three days, the wind blowing a perfect hurricane. We were to have a review Friday but it rained all day and prevented. So we are to go down to Balls cross roads Wednesday to the grand review, at which time Sixty regmnts are to be reviewed by Genl McClellan. I had no intention of writing but a word when I commenced but as you see have done more. Write to me

YoursC Dillingham

