Charles C. Gregg to William Wirt Henry

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Camp Near the ChickahominyCreek VaMay 28th 1862Friend Henry

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I enclose the small amount of twenty four dollars & eighty cents for you I am sory that I could not do better with the propity you left in my care but I have done th best I could with it.

We are encampt with in six miles of Richmond we expect a big old fight in a few days.

Porter & Stonman had a fight yesterday engaged 17 thousand Rebels drove them across the river killed a large number and

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took some prisoners. I understand they are geting up another Regt in Vermont Col Stanard is apointed Col. I think you had ought to be Quarter master of the 9th Regt. Sutlers are geting about played out. tell Ned Wells to get a Commision in the 9th Regt and come out here we have got a great deal of hard fighting to do yet bfore the ware is ended. If you seen any my folks tell them I am well write me soon give my respects to all

Very Respectfuly yoursChas. C. Gregg

