William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp on the upper PotomacWednesday 17th 1862My Darling wife

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Since I wrote you last we have made quite a moove and we are now in active service, as I expected we should be. Just before dark Sunday we were ordered to march - marched most all night Sunday night, had quite a hard time of it but I stand it first rate. I have got a horse and am having a nice time riding around the country. We are camped on the Maryland side of the Potomac about thirty miles above Washington guarding the river from Senaca Creek to Edwards Ferry. It is a very nice country and we can get all the vegetables and good living we want - cannot tell anything about how long we shall remain here – probably not long, as the Enemy are on the retreat now as you will see by the papers before you get this. We have had a glorious victory up above here. Will write again as soon as I get a chance. The boys are all well Capt Dillingham stands it first rate – so do all. George is tough and well. write often and direct to Washington

As Ever YoursWilliam

