William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp on the PotomacSept 24th 1862My Darling

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I recd. yours of the 17th yesterday. I have not got time to answer it now but will write you a good long letter Sunday if I can get time. I am kept very buisey now all the time. have got me a good nice bay horse. have to ride about fifteen miles a day to visit all my Pickets. we are all getting along very nicely. Capt Dillingham is getting fat. his boys are all very healthy and they think every thing of Ed. George does better than I thought he would, but he was very much disapointed when the last mail came up from the city, to find he had no letter. he burst out crying, and said he thought Mother might have written him if no one else, tell her

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write him often if only a few lines for it will do him good. Tell that good little girl Katie Parker she may be my sister I do not know why you do not like her better. I think she is one of the sweetest and best little girls left since my good sister Katie has gone. I wish you would send me her long letter she wrote you. It does me good, and makes me better to know that such good girls love and respect me and that I have their confidence. I believe she is good. I know Mr and Mrs Parker will be very good friends and nicer to you. it is good to have such people for friends, I feel when trouble comes. I am glad all were so kind to you - the mail is about to leave and I must close.

As ever your loving husbandWilliam
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We are in the same place as when I wrote you last.

