William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Seneca Creek Md Sunday morningNov 2nd 1862 My Darling

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The mail will leave in just ten minutes, I supposed it was not going until tonight, but I will just write a few words now and a good sunday letter this afternoon. John was here last Thursday - went away next day - all well here amongst our boys - got your letter with pictures last night - think they look awful good - am pleased and proud of them - have showed them to lots of the officers. They wonder how I came to get such a smart looking woman

I also got my commission as “Lieut Col.” so you are “Mrs Lieut Col H” now all of which I feel very grateful for - will tell you the particulars this afternoon. There has been hard fighting within hearing of us for the last two days Friday and Saturday, but we have not got the particulars yet - cannot send another mail until Tuesday as ever yours


It is a cold morning - the reason I do not write better ¬ my fingers are cold

