William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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"Camp Jewett" Monocacy MdSunday Eve Jany 4th 1862 3 My blessed darling wife

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Yours of the 25th came by last mail, and I see that the “little ones” are spared up to that time, and if I could only know that they are alive and spared to us this evening, I should think they were not going to be taken from us now, but the "Lords will be done". You know my motto is "do not borrow trouble" and I must not be the first to break it. We are all about as when I wrote you last with this exception, we are not quite so sure of being disturbed by Rebels as we were. we have heard that they have gone back on to the main body below where they fought last, with the exception of a few roving bands. They got some started at Col Jewetts head quarters yesterday, at "White Ford"- the word came that the Rebel Cavalry were crossing the river- immediately the 'long roll' beat; all hands turned out

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under arms ready to meet them, when lo an behold, they turned out to be our own men, who had been out on a scout on the other side. Last night we got turned out here, in the middle of the night. Whang! went a gun, all of us jumped for our arms, fell into line, and I sent an orderly to enquire the cause. He soon came back and reported that one of the Picket heard a man (as he supposed) coming down through the bush close to him. He cried "halt," three times, when receiving no answer he fired, when away run his “Rebel” out into the field where he could see him by moonlight, when he discovered it was a poor old "cow" crawling down to the river to drink. You may believe that poor fellow has not seen much peace since. The boys are all trying to buy Beef of him

After all I was glad it was nothing more 'harmless" than a cow. We are having grate times here in camp now discussing “Old Abes” proclamation, and Jeff Davis’

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proclamation. The general opinion is that both of them together will end the war in a short time, for we have got to have peace soon, or both sides will raise the “black flag” and we shall then go to fighting in ernest and kill all we take, besides setting all the slaves at the same business, and if ever that day comes that the slaves are let loose upon their masters you will soon see the end of the war I can tell you, for you would hear off one of the most “bloody war’s” that ever the world saw. For my part I must say that just at present I am unable to see any daylight whatever, but all is dark. Still I believe a just God rules the destinies of the worlds, and that in His own good time, and way, He will cause the dark cloud of war to rise, and allow the blessed sunlight of peace to shine in upon us once more. but how, I cannot see. There is a general despondancy, and gloom hanging over the army, a certain kind of

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“uncertainty” if I may be allowed to use such an expression. The news of the grate victory in the "south west" cheered us up a little, still we dare not rejoice for fear that the next day would deny it all and leave the “grand victory” all on the other side- something must be done soon to change all this or we are a "ruined nation". Still as a soldier I calculate to do my duty. I am going to make a desperate effort to get leave of absence in Feb. and I believe something will turn up in my favor by that time. Col Jewett has gone to the City again to be "mustered into service on the 26th day of Aug. last, and if he is he will be the ranking Col. and will have command of the Brigade and I shall have command of the "10th Vt” by the middle of the week I shall be able I expect to let you know all about it. If he gets command of the Brigade there will be a big effort to make him "Brigadier Gen" and in that case your own true husband would undoubtdly be Col of the "10th Vt”. But this is all a secret as yet, and I only let you know it as one of my bright hopes- for I want you to rejoice with me in all my good deeds and good luck. Tell no one-

Your own true husbandWilliam

We expect the paymaster tomorrow, but have been disappointed so many times that we may be again, still if he does come and I get some money, I will send you some, and get a lot more photographs and send so you can give all my friends one- for I am glad to find out that I have got so many.

