William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Regt. White Ford, Md. Feb. 1st 1863 My Darling wife

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Last nights mail brought me the first letter I recd. last week, Yours of the 26th, and it is a good one too, just like your own dear self, but I should like very much to get two a week like it, but I know darling just how it is, first this one comes in and then that one, and so it goes, from morning to night, and with “callers” and the children your time is most all taken up. This is “Sabbath eve”, but it is a very disagreeable one outside, last week we had about six inches of snow and now it is all snow and mud, and tonight it is raining again and it will be awful for a few days. Yesterday I was in the saddle most all day, as it was the last of the month, and the Regt. had to be “Inspected” and I had to go to “Conrads Ferry” and inspect three companies there, my four cos. at this place, then up to "Mouth of the Monocacy”

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and inspect the three cos. there, then back here again. To day I went down to “Conrad's Ferry” again to “an invited dinner” given by the officers of the “Left wing". We had a grand good dinner, "roast pig" “roast turkey" “boiled onions” "potatoes”, good butter and various other good things, and after dinner had a "good sing" and got back home just dark, so you see I get a "good dinner" every few days. Saturday I recd. another present from Co" H" A splendid "Sash" (cost twenty dollars) and a Sword belt (cost seven dollars) so you see again, I have a few friends left, and I understand there is two more presents on the way, but will not mention it until they come. All these little kindnesses are appreciated by me I can tell you, and as you are Col too, you of course appreciate with me. I expect the Col back about Wednesday and shall then send in my petition and it will get around the first of next week likely, and I shall then either see you in Vt or send for you to come here, so you can be ready one way or

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the other, but I do hope they will let me go. No darling I am not afraid to write you "all my thoughts" but I thought perhaps you better not trouble Father Beebe with your doubts and fears. I knew you and "sister Katie" would have a grand good visit, how provoking it will be if I cannot see her, wont it? I think you better not say much to Rilla about Justin, for I guess he has got bravely over his "smash up" and he is too good for her I believe. How long is Sister Katie going to visit at home this time. If you have to come here I think you better bring Mollie along for I do so want to see the little pet. Justin is a Lieut now, has got his commission Ed Parker is detailed in the Adjutants office at Brigade head quarters, a good easy place. Co “B” I saw today and they are all right. Capt Ed. is feeing good again, and I believe he is going to be all right now. Bradley is here with me yet, Henry is still doing well, but not able to go home yet. There is not the first word of war news up here, “all very quiet”, in fact there is not enough going on to make a decent letter out off, so I am obliged to suspend

As ever your William

