William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Heintzelman Sunday EveJune 14th 1863My Darling wife

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This has been a beautiful Sabbath day, but with us not very quiet; for we hear of nothing from morning to night now but “raids” and rumors of raids. I expect the rebels are coming down on “Harpers Ferry” again in force, as we have news to night that they are in “Martinsburgh” which is very close to the “Penn” line. I expect they want to get some good Penn. horses.

Since I wrote the above an Orderly came dashing in saying “two hundred and fifty rebs” had just crossed the river below “Edwards Ferry” but you see I keep on writing just as calm as if I did not hear such reports- in the first place I do not believe this last report, and in the next place we are ready for them if they have crossed.

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We are getting to consider ourselves “Old Veterans” now and it does not become us to get excited over the war news - but still I must confess the other morning when Capt Deans Mich Cavalry came dashing into camp saying the “rebs” ere just on their heels and were going to be down upon us in a few minutes; I thought the boys moved very slow while forming a line, yet now I look back, and think they never formed so quick before. But darling do not borrow trouble, for we are having a very good time amidst all this turmoil. Dr. Child’s wife and Capt Damon’s both remain in camp yet and keep up good courage. We had preaching by the Chaplain at Eleven O’clock today, after which we all went down to “Whites Ford” and saw the Chaplain marry one of our Corporals to a Maryland lady, so you see we have found one “unconditional Union” lady here after all. The Chaplain did it up very finely and all were very much pleased, especially

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the bride and bridegroom. I gave the Corp. leave to be out of Camp until tomorrow night. Aint that a very short “Honey moon”? Our boys are all well as usual. Capt Dill. is in Washington to see Maj Wid. As the mail does not go out until Tuesday morning I will wait and see what news I can get tomorrow so good night darling one with a kiss.

Monday night 12 o’clock
Darling one; this has been a very busy day for us. The enemy are in strong force over the river and it would not be strange if they crossed in the morning. but we are ready for a reasonable amount of them. You will get all the war news in the papers long before I can write you. You must not think strange if you do not hear from me for a week, for I expect it will be nothing stranger if the “rebs’ cut off our mail communications with Washing- ton. We are all feeling well and resolved to do our duty like Green Mountain boys. The companies on the river have been ordered in to this camp and will be here before day light, so that will make us so much stronger
see 2nd page

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2nd Continued from 4th Page I recd. a letter from Uncle George by the mail to nigh. They are all well out there. Perhaps they will not let the papers tell all the news so I will give you what information we have go there up to this time Genl. Millroy was driven out of Winchester last night by Ewell and arrived at Harpers Ferry this morning with the loss of all his Artillery. Ewell is said to have thirty thousand men. There is another force in Martinsburgh of ten thousand. White is opposite us somewhere not far from Point of Rocks at dark to night with some five hundred “bushwackers”. “Mosby” is below him and opposite us with about three hundred. They are to make a raid on the Balt. & Ohio R. R. to night near Point of Rocks. Now see how near this comes to the paper accounts. The whole army of the Potomac is on the move towards Warrenton - to get in the rear of the force that has so suddenly been sent against Penn. All is quiet now and I will try to get a little sleep before day light, such are some of the hard side of a soldiers life, but we ought not to complain for we have had a very easy time of it so far. Good night
My darling wife.
Keep up good courage as ever


