William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th VtCamp on the RappahonnockNear Bealton Va, Sunday Aug 9th 1863My Darling One

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The Paymaster has been here at least and we are running over with "Greenbacks". Enclosed I hope you will find Paymasters Check for ($325) three hundred & twenty five dollars. Also check on John B. Page Treas. of Vt for twenty eight dollars, which with the twenty five I sent you the other day makes a very good "pay day" does it not. The Chaplain has put in for leave of absence to take home “soldiers money” and I think he will get by tomorrow and I shall send this by him, otherwise will send it by mail. You must acknowledge the rect. of it at once. I think it would be a good plan for you to write me what you have received from me alltogether since I

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came out for I may have forgot some of them, and what you have done with it, that is what shape it is in now. About Sheep, tell Father my opinion is they are going to be good property for at least five years to come, and a good speculation if he can buy cheap. how is "our cows" getting along? I was "Division Officer of the day" yesterday and do not feel very bright to night, for I have been asleep most of the afternoon and it is very hot. While I was down on the river last night my boy Johney came and brought me your good long letter of Aug 4th. I am sorry to hear Ferdie is worse again. What an awful time you are having with him. I am glad to hear Father Beebe is feeling better, and that you have at last got to riding Horseback. be sure and follow it up for I shall be along up there as soon as I can see any kind of a "show" to get a "leave" and shall want you to ride with me ever so much Tell Father to use his own judgment in

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regard to disposing of this money, for I cannot tell much about what is considered a good investment now in Vt. Ben Dewey will give him good honest advice about it confidentially. There is nothing new here, except the "fifth corps" have crossed the river and are intrenching themselves on the other side. Genl. Morris told me a day or two ago that he did not believe we should leave this camp before Oct. I think the (or a part of it) Army of the Potomac will soon occupy the Country between the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers, and drive Lee back on Gordonsville, but we may not have much to do about. we expect every day to hear of the fall of that "sink of rebellion" Charleston. Capt Dill. is not very well just now, has got the “diarrhea” again. is stopping in my tent as present. all the others doing well although several have a bad diarrhea. My health still holds out good but this awful warm weather is hard to put up with, and will bring on considerable sickness I expect. Good night my darling one.

As ever the sameWilliam

