William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp near Bealton Va. Aug 17th 1863 My Darling wife

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This morning one of our boys died. George Crossett son of Gad. He has been unwell for the last two weeks but not considered dangerous. last night his Father arrived here, which excited him some, when his Fever took an unfavorable turn, and this morning he died. His father will leave this afternoon with the body for Washington to get it embalmed and take it home. It makes the boys in Co B. somewhat sad for it is the second one the have lost out of the company. Capt Dill’s pass has not got back yet from Head quarters, but we expect it every moment. He is comfortable this morning, but quite low. Hope he will get away to day. He will go home as soon as he can get papers in Washington. No war news this morning. All quiet.

As Ever William Letter discusses the loss of a soldier, George Crossett, from Co B. and the effect it is having on the rest of the men.

