William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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May 18th 1864My blessed darling wife

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I have passed through another day of fighting and am all right yet, thank God for it. Last night at dark we mooved our position from the extreme left of our line to the extreme right and expected to make a big attack at daylight but owing to somebody blundering over the orders we did not get around in time so we had a good lively skirmish and to night came back to our old ground again on the left and I should not be supprised

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if we should have to fight on this flank tomorrow, but we do not mind it now for fighting every day has settle down to be the regular business of this Army since we crossed the “Rapid Ann” I had two men killed to day private Geo Flanders Co “G” from Washington Vt and private Perley Farrar from Barre I believe, for he was in Co “B”. All the rest of us well, but awful cross to think the Gov. used us so mean As we wer marching all last night, and have just recd. an order

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to be ready to march at daylight again in the morning, I guess you will excuse me my darling one for writing you so short to night besides the post master is waiting to close the mail.

So good night
As ever William

