William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Friday afternoon May 20th/64My Darling wife

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Still I can say we are all right. Yesterday morning at day- light we advanced our line about one and ahalf miles and occupied a new position, and have built a good “rifle pit” and are quietly laying here behind it waiting for the “Johnnies” to attack us, eat up their grub, or take a new position, for we are all the time working in behind them, and fortified as we go. Our position now is almost south of Spottsylvania, and

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about two miles from it. The “Rebs” have got a very strong position, and I believe the design is to flank them out of it rather than sacrifice the lives of so many as we should have to in fighting them out of it. From all accounts they must soon be getting short of grub. Last evening “Earlys Reb” Division got around our right and took 30 of our waggons on the Fredricksburgh road, but a lot of Vetrans coming to the front came up just then and drove them off until the “Second Corps” had

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time to get around them where they soon cleaned them out and gave them a good whipping, and they did not get a single waggon. It is very quiet along our part of the line today but we all know very well that something is going on somewhere else, for Gels Grant & Meade are not asleep. We have a splendid position and can whip twice our number if they would pitch at us where we are, but we do not expect any such good luck. Genl. Burnside has just passed by with his Staff and is looking finely.

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You can hardly realize that I write this laying on the ground in a big pine woods with the sharp crack of the picket’s rifle ringing in my ears about once a minut, and so near that we can hear the “bullets wistle”. I was shot at last night, but the fellow must have been a very poor shot for he did not come within a rod of me at least. I have not had a man hit since I wrote you last. Two mails have come in and I have not received a letter by either of them, and I write every time I have a chance to send a letter. For a few days past it has been cooler weather and I have felt much better. Love to all. Tell Gara Willis stands it like an old Vetran

As ever William

