William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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3rd Div. Hosp. 6th. A. C. In the Fieldnear Cold Harbor Va.June 4th 1864My Dear Wife:-

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I received by the mail to-day three letters from you – 23d, 24th and 27th inst. and am glad to learn that you are all well. When I wrote you after the battle the other evening I thought I should be sent to Washington with the wounded but have learned since that the amputation of a finger was not considered a wound of so serious a nature as to send one from the field. Consequently I am compelled to be classed with the “bummers” and remain at Div. Hosp. some three weeks before I can swing my old sabre again. My wound is getting along nicely, and after all the loss of a finger is not much. Yesterday was one of the saddest days I have seen since I have been connected with the 10th Vermont. Early in the morning the regt. was thrown on the skirmish line, under a very severe fire from the enemy, and we lost

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almost as many as we did in the battle of the 1st inst; but what was hardest of all, I lost my noble friend Captain Frost. He was hit by Sharpshooters in two places, either of which was mortal. Capt Hunt sprang to help him up, and received a severe wound through the leg – but still succeeded in getting Capt Frost back off the field to the Brigade Hosp. This was about 9 o’clk in the morning. He sent for me. I got on my horse and went to him immediately. I found him suffering very much pain, but his mind was clear. he disposed of all of his property, bid us all good bye, said he died happy and proudly for his country. He said give his love to you and all his friends. He was then put under the influence of morphine and lived until 1 o’clk P.M. when he died as calmly as the close of a Summer’s Day. We buried him under a Mulberry tree, close by in a Soldiers grave, without coffin or tombstone.

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Capt Blodgett was wounded in the arm, and several more of Co B. boys, viz. Hav. Burley in the wrist, Isaac Godfrey, a charge of buck shot in face and breast, Jim Jones slight wound in neck H. Glines mor- tally wounded in bowls, Ira Woodward in the arm. We lost in all, yesterday, fifty seven killed and wounded. The regt. be- haved nobly again, as they always have, and will continue to do. To-day, all has been quiet along the lines, and have been sending off the wounded to Washington, via White House. Genl Grant says he is going to lay siege now to Richmond and will make no more charges. Capt Dillingham arrived here to-day with 10,000 re-inforce- ments and 15,000 more will be here in a few days. The boys that are left are all feeling tip-top and will never be satisfied until they see the inside of Richmond, and rebellion crushed. Will write again in a few days.

As ever William
pr Lt. Welch

