William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Washington on boardSteamer “Matilda” Sunday Dec 4th 64My Darling wife

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I did not get my papers around in season so have got to go on this move, and we do not know yet where we are to go. I expect I will get my papers as soon as we all land again and the Corps is together again. Dr Hollman the Corps Surgeon wanted to examine me personally or I should have got my discharge all right. You can write me again and direct as usual. It was a very sudden move

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we did not know a word about it until about two oclock yesterday morning. The general impression is we are going to “City Point” but it may be Wilmington or some other place. I will write you again as soon as I have anything and if I should get back here again in a few days will telegraph you all about what I want you to do.

As everWilliam

