Edward Murphy to William Wirt Henry

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Camp at Westover LandingJuly the 21st 1862Friend Henry

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I have received a good old letter from you dated the 11th inst. which showed that you still feel a deep irlterest in us boys. We have been talking it over and conclude you must get well and come out here into the 2nd and into Co D. The fact, is a good many officers are resigning

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and there is a great opening for men of the right stamp in the army.

You were right in supposing that I do not wish Andrew Murphy to draw any money on that note, nor any more than he has already drawn I am much obliged to you for writing about it. I wish to have the hundred dollar note deposited in the Waterbury bank as you suggested, and have my thanks for doing it.

I would like to have you find out whether Luther Henry has trusteed any note of mine. I have heard that he has been in such business and I must ferret it out.

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I think that order of Havey will be all right on the arrival of the new Muster rolls.

You have probably read about our move to this place. We had enough fighting to do for a few days, you may guess, but we gave the rebels all they wanted.

We are now in a very nice place, but have a good deal of fatigue duty to attend to now in making entrench- ments. We are in hopes that Government will hurry up the cakes so we can take Richmond this summer.

I must close up by requesting you to write again. I am in good health & spirits. Several of the boys send their respects.

Yours Ever,Ed Murphy

