George J. Stannard to William Wirt Henry

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Camp Griffin, VaJany 7 1862Lieut W. W. Henry
Dear Sir

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Your letter was duly recd and it gave me so much pleasure to hear that your health was improving, hope it may continue untill you are fully restored to health again. I should have writen you before but expected something to turn up every day worthy of note and be news to you. Our Regt. is the same quarters where we were when you left and a getting along well although we have been very short for officers in the line but managed to get along so far. The Gov refuses to commission

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the ones recommended by our Col. and I do not know what course the the Col. will take next as we shall have to have some vacancies filled if we ever go into active service again or the Regt. must suffer. My health is good and has been all this time. The sickness in our Regt. is mostly confined to the new recruits, but none dangerously sick at present. I can tell you that I had a lonesome time when Captain Dillingham was sick and Doct Carpenter away from Camp at the Brigade hospital. It was then I wished you were back again or some other genial soul to help me pass the time away. How is the Captain Shall expect to see him back again soon.

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Our time is used up in drills and Picquet duty. The last I have my full proportion as usual and I find it a little harder in this season of the year than before. We had a nice warm month in December, no snow. Thawed most every day, being warm and pleasant and nights cold and freezing, but not bad, no snow untill night before last and we had about three inches and still remains. New Years day was mild and warm it reminded me of many days that we have in Vermont in September. They had ball playing and many other games throughout the division, which made a great deal of sport for the Soldiers. I was on Picquet and saw none of the fun.

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I intend to go home the last of the month and should be pleased to see you.

I[n] mean time let me hear from you. My promotion is all gone by and I am reconciled, but I think the Officials of Vermont used me almighty mean, but there are many others in the same category and I do not find fault. I hear that Capt. Dillingham is a going to be Major in the 8th hope it is so, as I consider him well worthy. Hoping to hear from you soon. I am

Very Respectfully your
humble Servant - Geo. J. Stannard

