Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Fort Schuyler Mc DougalHospitalJune 6th /65Dear Parents & Brothers;

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It has been some time since I wrote to you, but during this time I have troubled a long way toward you, sunday the 28th day of May I arrived in New York city. I left Hilton Head 3 days before. Monday morningafternoon I was taken to Governors Island N.Y. Harbor, where I staid until this morning when they moved me to this hospital to await my discharge, which I hope to get this month, they are discharging men from here every day just as fast as they can, my descriptive list has got to be had from the regiment showing what is due me, it will take two weeks to get it, and then I must take my turn.

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I cannot get any pay until I get my discharge therefore I want you should send me $10.00 when you answer this I dont think there is any doubt but what I shall stay here until it comes, I never had a letter from you yet so I want you should answer as soon as you read this, for I am very anxious to hear from you and besides I want some money to get things I recd, this paper & envelope a man give me 5 cts to buy it with tell me what postage you have to pay on my letters, that are not stamped, my health is about the same as when I wrote last if any thing I am not so strong now as then, the journey here was hard for me besides I have had nothing but common fare & no []

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since I left Hilton Head.

I just now hear that the franking privilege is stopped, so I am put to thinking how to get a stamp for this letter, send me some Repositorys. I want to know what is going on in Vt & what has happened, if any of the old ones have anything particularly important that you think would interest me send it along, direct your letter to New York Harbor Fort Schuyler. Mc Dougal Hospital. I think of nothing more now so I must close.

Yours TrulyB.P. Sparrow

