Edward P. Stone to Family

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Camp on the Aquia Creek, fourmiles from Stafford Court House, ten or twelve from the Landing on the Poto- mac, and eleven from Fredericks- burgh.Thursday morning Nov.
20, 1862. Dear Home.

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I did not succeed in sending this as I expected at the time of writing and have had no opportunity since. We marched the next morning as I expected, crossing the railroad at Catlett’s Station, camping for the night some two or three miles this side, marched again early Monday morning and again Tuesday. Since Tuesday PM we have been in camp here in an oak wood waiting for

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supplies I believe. It has rained a good deal – a warm rain causing no suffering, but making the roads very bad.

You know I presumed that Gen. Brooks left our brigade at Hagerstown to take Gen. Slocum’s place in command of the other division of our corps. Gen. Howe succeeded him for a short time but is now in command of our divi- sion, Gen. Smith taking command of the corps, and Gen. Franklin of the left wing of the army. Col. Whiting is at present in command of the brigade.

Dr. Tuttle has just come from Washington, and says that John was there a few days ago. I expect he will come down to Aquia Landing. We shall probably move soon, though perhaps not before Sunday.

I did not know of the death of Gen. Richardson until I saw it in the Free- man. If I had known he was at Sharps- burgh when I was at Hagerstown I wd have vis- ited him, but I was told that he was probably removed to Washington or Philadel phia.

