Ransom W. Towle to Rufus and Sebra Towle

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(No. 12)Head Qrters 4th Reg. Vt. Vol.Camp Griffin Va.Feb. 5.th 1862Dear Parents

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Your letter I recd by last nights mail. The letter was usually welcome but the tone of it sounded rather desponding. I realize that your situation there alone with so much to do must keep you so overworked that you will be more liable to feel gloomy than you otherwise would though there is cause enough now to give any body the blues But I am afraid you will not make it pay even pecuniarily for in the Spring you will be overworked and low spirited and I am afraid used up. I wish you might see some way that you could make a live out of it and get rid of so much care and hardship.But you must keep cheerful as possible and trust luck for the [filial] issue. With Sugar at 9 cts and Butter 17 cts per lb. if other things [near] correspond They must retrench a little

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buy less cotton goods and more woolens. And it seems to me They can get along with a sacrifice of a few luxuries, and return all the necessaries without eating “old hoss and Shingles” as the Boys call their salt Beef and hard Bread - or without laying cold . I believe I never will get blue again so long as I can be comfortable with enough wholesome food to eat. Yesterday I came in from thirty hours Picket trip in a Steady Snow Storm which fell into the mud and made it rather unpleasant Nothing occurred unusual except perhaps the capture of two Rebel Scouts and one man Shooting himself through the leg in such a way as to render amputation necessary. Today it raining quite hard which is the case here about half of the time Our drilling now is quite light being confined to two Drills a Day mostly target Shooting.


P.s. I wrote you if you wanted my state State pay and allotment I would send you a check and let you draw if it will do you any good you can have it to use. R W Towle

