Ransom W. Towle to Friends

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(No. 14)Head Quarters4th Reg. Camp GriffinFeb. 17,1862Dear Friends,

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I recd Letter No. 12 tonight with True Flag of 15th Date also last night Flag and Standard. Was very glad to get them more so as my Tribune has failed me for three weeks I have been a little unwell was taken quite sick Saturday night and if it had not been for the closest attention by Surgeon Childe - who is an able Surgeon and a worthy Brother I must have had a

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run of Lung Fever. As it is I am coming out all right Sickness is quite prevalent in Camp at present. This Co. has lost Six. This Reg about Sixty or more our last was Jacob Messer, a fine fellow and a Noble Soldier his loss will be not less deeply felt here then at home. His Remains were sent Home by the Kindness of Lieut. Pingree who is a whole Souled, whole Hearted man and an excellent Officer. He commands both the respect and confidence of every man in Co. E. He is well in confidence with his Superiors & stands fair for a better berth. Lt. Lillie is equally posted in Military equally respected and liked equal as an Officer, but not equal as a Civilian in point of influence. Capt Terry has been very little with the Co. in fact we dont know much about him here guess by the Swash he made that he is more of a lion at Home than here. This is of course very confidential and I would not for the

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world have it go out from me We are now getting most cheering News from the South and West. Tonight came the report of the capture of Savannah Bully if true. Mud is got from one to three feet Deep how long this shall last I know not but when it dries up we shall move that is sure. Towards the enemy if there is any if not most likely home While tonite the big guns at Fort Ethan Allen are firing for Some Victory probably As ever yours,


