Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford
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I recd your & mothers letters to night saying you had sent the box. I have
not recd it yet. Boxes are generally from 4 days to a week or ten days coming.
Bates, of W. Windsor had a box start last wednesday, the same day
mine did. The paper containing two cigars from Downer came to night. Thank him
for them it seemed good to smoke them & think that a day or two ago they
were in Downers barn. Thank Baldwin & Mrs P. Whites folks, John K. &c for
the things they sent. When I receive the box I can write more particulars. I did
not know that I left so many good friends behind before. I shall not forget
them. Dont send another box at present, not until I have recd this and found out
where we are going to be. We are not paid yet, but we want our pay badly. There
is not 1 cent in money in my tent of 14 men & the same is the case with
almost every cent in the Co. I got out of money awhile ago & borrowed $2.50,
but borrowing is out of the case now. I have a few postage stamps left. Some of
the boys have said in
their letters that they could not write again
until they were paid unless some P.O. stamps were sent them so have got them in
that way. I think from what we hear we shall get our pay this week. I think I
wrote you that Fairbrother from our Co. had died. The next day Corp. Pierce died
making 3 that our Co have lost. We have no more cases of fever in the Co now.
Pierce father came here for his body and took it home. – I recd some papers from
Geo. to night. I shall write you as soon as I get the box. I am perfectly well.
Our great review is to come off Teusday (day after tomorrow)
Good bye
Your Aff. brother J.
That pencil came handy