[Henry Harrison Wilder] to Mother

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Sept th30 18615th Reg Vermont VolsCompany B Tent No 1Camp AdvanceVaMother

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this morning findes me well and in good spirits, and I hope that it findesyou the same, we left St Albans Monday morn got to Springfield at night, got to New Haven Conct at 7 oclock the nikt morn took the boat for Jersey Sity had a pleasant ride down the Sound to the Sity and from there we took the cars for Philedelfa got to Phila at one oclock at night, we mett with [duty]

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reception and a good supper, and from Phila we went to Baltimore and from there to Washington whare the Reg stopped through the night and part of Thursday, and then we marched to Marellian Hill, and the next day we went to Chain Bridge, whare we now are encamped, thare is som 50,000 Troops within two miles of this plase, and there is Soldiers shot most evry day most by the Rebels, thare was two Cavelry men shot and 5 more wounded and brought to thir Camp yesterday, thare was agreat many of oure troops gon out to day for a fight. things looke like War hear there is two strong

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Forts here and they are mounted with Rifled Cannons

I have seen Walter H, Walter Sevry, George McCue, Charles Jewett and lots of others that I know, we have had orders to march to Farfax Court Hows to morrow morning, Mother when you write sende me one Dollars worth of stamps Merrill has sente some money home and he wanted me to have you finde out if they get it nothing farther this timb

so good by

direct to Washington DC
5 Reg Vermont Vols
Company B
care of Cap Stowell

