Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother

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Camp near Newport NewsVirginiaApril 1thMother

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I got your last in this Camp it found me as normal we have had some hard marches since we left the old Camp but I have stood thin first rat we went from Alexandria Monday for Colonels Hills when we stoped a few days then we went back to A on the 28th & took the boat for Old Point Comfort we got then on the same day and from than we come to this plan to stop for a short time how long I know not the Reg is out to day

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Mother I was down to Newport yesterday while then a Rebel boat come down the river & fiered a few shots at the Coast this burst over it & I got some of the [     ] this got one shot its weight is 54 lbs the wether is warm & some of the trees are in bloom & lots of flowers [        ] all mach & things growing finly it is now thought that when the Rebels a whiped an the Sanes River that this were will be at an end than is a large forse gathering at the plase & probaly will move before long I cannot

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with any more to you for I have writen to Eugenie & Isaelon & want to write to Letch to night for when I shall hav an other opertunity I know not so good by

From your ever afectionate SonH H Wilder

PS give my respects to all
write soon
direct as usual
good by
H H Wilder

