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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Dr. Rutherford writes from Camp Washburn about his improved health from the dysentery from which he has suffered, medicine he took, his heavy responsibilities caring for sick soldiers, and anticipation of leaving for Virginia on Friday. He writes of missing home.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include the safe return home of their deceased child’s picture, Lucien's refusal of the hand of peace and friendship from Rutherford, discomforts of camp life but making do as best he can, eating well, description of Rutherford’s current labors in the Division Hospital, and his discontent...
Show moreTopics include the safe return home of their deceased child’s picture, Lucien's refusal of the hand of peace and friendship from Rutherford, discomforts of camp life but making do as best he can, eating well, description of Rutherford’s current labors in the Division Hospital, and his discontent for those soldiers pretending to be ill.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Writes of the saddened tone among the soldiers in camp as people suspect an advance to the front lines of battle; honors received by General Grant, and discussion of a newspaper's editor on predictions of the next presidential candidate.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include prepared to move out with 8 days rations but does not know to where, may be sent to Washington with the sick, letters to Rutherford's children that include Jacob, Kittie, Maria and Jovis.
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- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include word of the death of their son (Joseph?), Rutherford’s deep sadness, mentions a photograph of his now deceased son, of him sending the photo home and that he is in the hospital recovering from dysentery.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Philosophical reflections on the origins and meanings of Thanksgiving from Rutherford’s perspective, and a breakdown of their intended feast with an explanation of the reasons they have to be thankful.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
From White Sulphur Spring, VA topics include continued conflict with military authorities, medical department, Dr. Childe returning to duty relieving him of a lot of work, pursuing ways to relieve the shortage of medicines, photos of his children, blacks scavenging salt, philosophical reflections...
Show moreFrom White Sulphur Spring, VA topics include continued conflict with military authorities, medical department, Dr. Childe returning to duty relieving him of a lot of work, pursuing ways to relieve the shortage of medicines, photos of his children, blacks scavenging salt, philosophical reflections and opinions of the country being laid waste, people's lives suffering as a result of the Civil War.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Visit from lady friends, Misses Baker Cutting and Rand, reference to a temperance meeting, a story about an officer being apprehended while transporting secret correspondence that he swallowed saving himself but losing the paper (hid the paper in his mouth), suspecting to march soon, and sending...
Show moreVisit from lady friends, Misses Baker Cutting and Rand, reference to a temperance meeting, a story about an officer being apprehended while transporting secret correspondence that he swallowed saving himself but losing the paper (hid the paper in his mouth), suspecting to march soon, and sending a song to Helen and papers to Jacob, his children.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Writing from a different camp, Heintzelman some 2 miles from Poolesville, topics include being put upon and over burdened with duties that put him in a bad mood that he had an unpleasant interaction with the Quartermaster, being put in charge of the Brigade Hospital, and recommended treatment for...
Show moreWriting from a different camp, Heintzelman some 2 miles from Poolesville, topics include being put upon and over burdened with duties that put him in a bad mood that he had an unpleasant interaction with the Quartermaster, being put in charge of the Brigade Hospital, and recommended treatment for scarlet fever requested by his wife in case the children come down with the disease.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include family money troubles, a description of his horse Lady Lightfoot, anticipation of a Rebel raid, and a description of the winter quarters and John tending to his comforts as his "nig" (Moses) has been sick, reference to the troublesome Murk.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include getting paid so as to make payment on their new house, $500 sent home, wishing to have a photograph of the finished house sent to him, having a pleasant lifestyle in camp with visits with other officers, a trip to Washington to purchase medicine, how fat J. C. Rutherford has grown,...
Show moreTopics include getting paid so as to make payment on their new house, $500 sent home, wishing to have a photograph of the finished house sent to him, having a pleasant lifestyle in camp with visits with other officers, a trip to Washington to purchase medicine, how fat J. C. Rutherford has grown, suggestions for his wife to have a garden, and war news conflicting but evidence of a lot of fighting because of the number wounded arriving at City Hospitals .
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Two letters dated June 21st and 23rd with topics including a description of hearing an exchange of fire where the Union army was engaged in battle with the Confederates and the Union beating the Rebels, a visit to Campbell Hospital in Washington, D.C., meeting and chatting with Mrs. Jane Grey...
Show moreTwo letters dated June 21st and 23rd with topics including a description of hearing an exchange of fire where the Union army was engaged in battle with the Confederates and the Union beating the Rebels, a visit to Campbell Hospital in Washington, D.C., meeting and chatting with Mrs. Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm (American journalist, publisher, abolitionist, women's rights advocate who during the war devoted her time to nursing the wounded and was called Mother by the men), his praise of her, and how to deal with Mr. Coburn at home who has not paid his debt.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include an order to move with minimal rations.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
From White's Ford, MD topics include Rutherford in charge of hospital while Dr. Willard Augustus Childe returns home to get married, sickness among the men less than in other regiments, a visit from the Inspector General with excellent reports on how he runs his department, expresses his anger...
Show moreFrom White's Ford, MD topics include Rutherford in charge of hospital while Dr. Willard Augustus Childe returns home to get married, sickness among the men less than in other regiments, a visit from the Inspector General with excellent reports on how he runs his department, expresses his anger and outrage at the complaining of people back home about having to pay taxes because of the war.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Expresses concern about Hannah's health, the political scandal over General Butler not searching baggage of Mrs. (Martha) Todd White [Mary Todd Lincoln's half sister], not seeking higher military pay, receiving sugar from home, prediction about Lincoln and the future election, asking his daughter...
Show moreExpresses concern about Hannah's health, the political scandal over General Butler not searching baggage of Mrs. (Martha) Todd White [Mary Todd Lincoln's half sister], not seeking higher military pay, receiving sugar from home, prediction about Lincoln and the future election, asking his daughter, Helen, to not attend school but help teach her younger siblings to read and write.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include additional sending more pay home to Hannah, an imminent march, enduring low spirits, sending a photograph of Lt. Tabor, instructions on where to send letters, of the sudden death of a fellow soldier's horse, and other stories of soldiers in the war.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include the tribulations of their recent march, Rutherford's opinions on the future of the nation after the war, expression of his hatred for people who have acted as traitors of the army & strong expression against giving leniency toward any traitor to the Union ; reference to Gen. Sherman.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
A brief letter from Frederick Junction, Maryland stating he has received a picture of his wife, that he and the troops are preparing to march, and he has been assigned to be the acting surgeon of the Regiment and Medical Director of the Brigade.
- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Topics include thankful for getting postage stamps from home, gives treatment for diphtheria, remarks regarding the importance of letter writing, his rail against his wife's relatives for indignities he has suffered from them, well digging at home, reference to "Copperheads," his reaction and...
Show moreTopics include thankful for getting postage stamps from home, gives treatment for diphtheria, remarks regarding the importance of letter writing, his rail against his wife's relatives for indignities he has suffered from them, well digging at home, reference to "Copperheads," his reaction and outrage to a vote related to the war taken at a town meeting as reported in a home newspaper (Newport News?), his urging to have the vote reversed, his permission to have part of his opinion published in the newspaper if seen fit and a description of the line of battle.
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- Title
- Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
- Description
Writes giving advice to medicate his ailing wife and sympathizing with her over her work raising the children and taking care of the home.